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Reach With Apple Buyers & Increase Your Business


MacDirectory Magazine provides targeted advertise options for your business

MacDirectory  Interactive Ad Benefits:


  • Consumer involvement increases by 27% on interactive ads vs static ads.

  • Purchase intention of the consumer increased by 59% with interactive ads vs static ads.

  • Return on investments increased by 16% for interactive advertisers.

  • There has been a 111% increase in mobile advertising revenues in North America.

  • Interactive advertising allows unlimited amount of content (pictures, video, animation, sound, etc).


MacDirectory Magazine


  • Frequency: Bi-monthly

  • Audience: (6 issues)

  • Page Count: 112

  • Target Audience: Active/Professional Creative




MacDirectory Magazine is published bi-monthly:


  • February Edition:  Feb - Mar

  • April Edition: Apr - May

  • June Edition: Jun - Jul

  • August Edition: Aug - Sept

  • October Edition: Oct - Nov

  • December Edition: Dec - Jan


Key Findings


  • Primary Decision Maker - 89%

  • Interested in Promotions - 83%

  • Owns iPad/iPhone - 97%

  • Purchases Products/Services Online - 96%

  • Purchases Apps Monthly - 74%

  • Purchases Creative Related Products - 89%

  • Interested in Product Announcements - 92%


Reader Profile


The typical MacDirectory subscriber is educated, middle-to-upper income, 32-to-40-years-old, curious and involved in the creative/design field. They are open to new concepts and they want to be challenged with new and innovative ideas. Over 89% of MacDirectory subscribers are directly responsible for purchasing. Our subscribers particularly enjoy photography, video-making, music, new products, apps, movies and online shopping.


Average per Issue


  • Circulation: 235,327

  • Page Views: 490,039

  • Social Shares: 626

  • Links Clicked: 1,885

  • Zoos: 9,986· PDFs

  • Downloaded: 703


Average Time Spent Per Issue


  • 0-30s: 3.2%

  • 30-2 min:. 9.2%

  • 2-5 min: 27.6%

  • 5-15 min: 27.4%

  • 15-30 min: 19.2%

  • 1 hr +: 13.4%


Top 10 Most Viewed Pages


  1. Cover Stories

  2. Covers Pages

  3. Special Features

  4. Table of Contents

  5. Apple News, Analysis

  6. Shopping Guides

  7. Product Reviews

  8. Calendar of Events

  9. App Guides

  10. Other


Advertising Rates


MacDirectory offers targeted cost-effective advertising programs for small to medium-size businesses. Advertising programs range from $500 up to $8,000. Companies contracting for 6 editions receive special discounts and special valued added benefits. Contact us for additional information.




MacDirectory Magazine editorial is unique, educational and entertaining. Every issue delivers compelling news, interviews, product reviews, latest products and more. 


Apple Analysis - Market expert Horace Dediu shares critical and informative facts about current industry trends.


Apple Bites - The latest Apple news, industry trends, and essential new product releases.


Advances - Featuring the latest advances in Apple technology and science.


Artist Features -  Featuring inspiring creative works from world-class artists including photographers, movie directors, print, multimedia, and more.


App Reviews - Showcasing the latest apps in numerous categories including games, productivity, creative, social-media, etc.


Book Reviews - Best-selling creative book reviews in the Apple and design sector are featured.


Calendar -  Comprehensive list of Apple-related events, trade shows, seminars, product announcements, notable product releases and more.


Creative Innovations - MacDirectory keeps our readers up to date on the latest Apple product releases. We monitor Apple's latest patent filings and give a unique perspective on future Apple products.


Exclusive Interviews - MacDirectory has interviewed numerous high artists, celebs, scientists, etc. delivering compelling stories.


iHealth - Educating our readers about the latest tech health trends


iLearn - MacDirectory Video Awards for excellence.


iWards - MacDirectory awards industry products based on product features, quality, interface, design and more.


Shopping Guides - Delivering the latest and best Apple products.


MacDirectory Deadlines & Production Specs


MacDirectory Magazine is digitally published bi-monthly:


February Issue

Months Covered: Feb-March

Art Work/Editorial Deadline: Jan 20

Publication Date: Feb 5


April Issue

Months Covered: April-May
Art Work/Editorial Deadline: Mar 20

Publication Date: April 5


June Issue

Months Covered: June-July

Art Work/Editorial Deadline: May 20

Publication Date: June 5


August Issue

Months Covered: Aug-Sept

Art Work/Editorial Deadline: July 20

Publication Date: Aug 5


October Issue

Months Covered: Oct-Nov

Art Work/Editorial Deadline: Sep 20

Publication Date: Oct 5


December Issue

Months Covered: Dec-Jan

Art Work/Editorial Deadline: Nov 1

Publication Date: Dec 5


Required Materials


MacDirectory Magazine Digital Ads Requirements:


We request that all ads be submitted as a hi-res FLATTENED Adobe® PDF file. MacDirectory is not responsible for any printing errors due to files that are not submitted correctly. Please check to ensure NO LOW-RES images are included in your ad.


Ad Dimensions


MacDirectory Magazine Digital Ad Sizes:


  • Spread (2 consecutive pages):  16.75" x 11.125"

  • Full Page Ad: 8.5" x 11.125"


Online Webpage


  • Logo

  • General info about the company (600 words maximum)

  • Contact info (telephone, address if applicable, website, email address)

  • Images (up to 8 images)

  • Video (send us a youtube or Vimeo video link so we can embed your video)


Online Banner Ad Specs



  • Inches: 6" (width) by 2.75 (height)

  • Pixels: 432 (width) by 198 (height)

  • Max size: 500K

  • Be sure to provide linking URL


Production Reminders


Prior to submitting your digital PDF ad, check carefully for:


  • Images: Images included in your ad should be high-resolution


  • Fonts: Carefully check your advertisement text flow and make sure that your fonts were not substituted incorrectly by another font (sometimes this happens (sometimes this happens if you don’t have your fonts installed properly).


  • Flattened File: Be sure that your ad does not contain any lawyers. PDF files with lawyers will cause certain problems.


  • URL: If you like your ad hyperlinked to your website, please email your URL along with your ad.


Ad Submission


Please email your final digital ad to MacDirectory Production Department. Be sure to title your email with your company name. This helps to ensure that we file your ad properly. For larger file sizes, you can also send us a download link. Simply email us your download link along with your company name.


Partner With Us


MacDirectory magazine offers cost-effective and targeted advertising opportunities for your business. Become a partner and we will help you increase sales by promoting your product, software or service to our active Apple, iPad and iPhone subscribers.  To learn more about how MacDirectory can help your business grow, please write to us:


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